Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Sumo velocity stack

Find the right velocity stacks isn't always easy, and play with the lenght and the size to achieve the right balance could be expansive. But I still want to play a little with the "character" of the bike and try to claw back some low and middle torque. 
So I start fabricating a first set of custom made ones...

 The difficult part is to find the right "cooking" temperature and time for the alloy hose. I ended up heating more one half  to make it flexible and keep stronger the other one (this explain the arrow).
Then squeez it on the mandrel with a lot of grease.

After some cleaning and buffing:

From 32 to 60mm, I think this is the max diameter before the metal starts to crack, but I'll try something longer.
A quick comparison with the original ones

These are some of the deads...I'll keep them to serve as warning for the future ones...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shorter, fatter, lower and meaner...

The Thruz new front end is in...

The usual comparison photo


  The new forks shortened the bike a bit and even if it isn't probably the right rake for now (the goal is at about 24°), I really like the new stance!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Davide's Megabusa

Today I've met my friend Davide to see his new super toy...

This thing is simply's really hard to explain, maybe because it isn't really a car, it doesn't feel like one.
This is something else, something better!!
At about 400 kg with a Suzuki Hayabusa engine under the hood, it make you cry! 
That noise at 10.000 rpm...and how it takes the corners!

No matter what, never sit in one of will probably never want to drive anything else!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Seems like the "after holidays" work on the bikes is hard to reboot...
So I decided to take care of my Thruz after over 5 years of yeoman's service:


New shocks and new front end on its way!
Also new rearsets and a little engine tweak...Oh wait, yeah, maybe some wheight loss.

Meanwhile the Proto is watching...