Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Evolution of a Norton Featherbed café racer

Amazing resto-customization on this norton featherbed café by
Jean Des Rosiers

This is a work of art indeed. There is so much to learn from this!
Take a look here for more pictures of this gorgeous piece of machinery:

Wiring mess: Take two

All right, that's better

A bit more tidy, and completely invisible with tank mounted

All the electical tape is gone, welcome heat shrinkable tubing

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Black is the new black

Finally the rear swing arm is in place (almost...).

Me thinking... not really a smart face...

Rear wheel in place with the help of my favourite pin-up ever

Now, rear caliper needs to be mounted upside down, so the original plate has to be machined down to fit (sorry, no photos of the before)

 and after
an extra ball jointed bracket has going to be made to avoid the spinning of the caliper

Master Shinya Kimura

This isn't only about bikes...this is a whole philosophy of life.

and also thanks to

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Thanks to

Old vs New

Small progresses...

On the left a very vintage and chrome clutch lever plus horn and indicators switch

Machined a bit to fit the original clutch cable adjuster

On the right a brand new 19x21 Nissin radial brake pump.

I hope it isn't too much...I don't want to do a "stoppie" every crossing....

I like the contrast between left and right, but I have to figure out a way to change the modern aluminium lever with a chrome one

Baby racer

Start young!

You've got to have balls

Probably everyone knows this is not Steve McQueen.... anyway you have to be really mad to try this jump, or even only to think to try it! 


Here re-enacted, and it still not looking as good as the original one